Health and Nutritional Information
1. Prevention. Diets, Diet plans, foods and dietary supplements that provide health management
through disease and symptom prevention.
Health conditions
are preventable through nutritional information about those conditions and measures you can take to either heal or prevent. Prevention is always the best medicine.
I want to help you, "Feed a man a fish and you have feed him for a day, teach a man how to fish
and you have feed him for life". If you are overweight and/or obese most people just want to sell you a bigger chair,
I want to show you a healthier and better way.
2. Performance. Whether you are body building, needing sports nutrition or exercising for good health we are all about finding nutritional products
that provides health enhancement through improved physical and mental condition.
The focus is on daily health, accomplishment and success.
3. Wellness.
Wellness benefits are about feeling good and finding balance. This is a holistic approach to health care that includes the body,
mind and spirit through meditation to finding balance in mind, body and spirit. The focus is on daily health needs, MODERATION (we have to long overconsumed)
and variety.
4. Nurturing. Foods that can supply a sense of caring for the health and quality of life for yourself and others and the associated sense of satisfaction
for the caregiver. Marketing a product from this platform would include a focus on growth and development, aging and healing. Nurturing yourself and others and nurturing
the environment around you. Environmentally friendly products for the inside and well as the outside. From the things we eat to the things we wear, they
all have an impact on the world we live.
5. Cosmetics. Cosmetics, how we look and feel about ourselves, benefits women's health and men's health. Looking good and enhancing self-esteem through
improved physical condition and personal appearance are corner stones to good health.
No matter
how well you eat if you have low self esteem, are worried or upset then the body gets out of balance.
Joint PainJoint Pain
Attacking Joint Pain
Joint pain is symptomatic of possibly several problems at once or only one. On the one hand it can be so minor as to be an over worked joint,
strained muscles extending into
the joints, momentary tenderness of the cartilage from temporary inflammation, to total deterioration of the joint sockets.
No one answer is imminent for everyone reading this article but an individual can, in many cases,
relieve joint pain, reduce joint pain or eliminate joint pain altogether.
If you have been experiencing joint pain for some period of time. If there is redness of the joints, swelling of the joints and this condition has been present for
an extended period of time then it is time to see a physician. It is not out of the order to see a physician to get a diagnosis. It may be in order to
then research and try alternatives to the recommended drugs the physicians may recommend.
In this article several types of joint problems will be discussed.
Depending on the Doctors diagnosis will depend on the measures that you might take on your own. Obviously is
your joint is worn out then collagen would not be the answer.
First, joint pain has a lot of names:
- Arthritis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Gout
- Osteoarthritis
- Tendinitis
- Bursitis
- Viral joint infection
- Joint Sprain
- Joint Strain
This is not all of the joint pain problems that can invade you life. The arthritis problems alone have many other names. However, generally joint problems can be broken down
into a simpler form. It is pain from inflammation or infection caused by virus or caused by degradation of the cartilage and/or joints, or joint pain
caused by strain or sprains. I know this sounds to simple yet you hurt from a very few reasons that have many names all associated with a few things in combination
with each other. Also, after diagnosis is made there are alternatives as simple as heat or cold, anti-inflamatory medication, herbal and mineral remedies such as
Glucosamine and Chondroitin sulfate, CMO (cetyl myristoleate), MSM, Fish oil, Boswellia, and Proteolytic Enzymes, Collagen Type II and combinations of these.
All have been know to relieve the symptoms of joint pain and the conditions causing the inflammation surrounding the joint pain.
There is not always one answer for the pain and there is no one answer fits all for the relief. Each person is unique. Our bodies are different.
And the causes of joint pain and cartilage destruction are varied.
If you suffer from chronic joint
pain, and the only help you've been able to find is from daily doses of aspirin or prescription drugs, or if you're concerned about more than just the pain
issue and are looking to prevent further degradation of your joints, then read on. Early diagnosis and proper care of joint problems that could become severe can
often times eliminate the need for joint replacement surgery latter.
Gout Information and Treatments
... Continue reading about Joint Pain