Thursday, May 9, 2024

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Health and Nutritional Information

1. Prevention. Diets, Diet plans, foods and dietary supplements that provide health management nutritionthrough disease and symptom prevention. Health conditions are preventable through nutritional information about those conditions and measures you can take to either heal or prevent. Prevention is always the best medicine. I want to help you, "Feed a man a fish and you have feed him for a day, teach a man how to fish and you have feed him for life". If you are overweight and/or obese most people just want to sell you a bigger chair, I want to show you a healthier and better way.

nutrition 2. Performance. Whether you are body building, needing sports nutrition or exercising for good health we are all about finding nutritional products that provides health enhancement through improved physical and mental condition.
The focus is on daily health, accomplishment and success.

3. Wellness. Wellness benefits are about feeling good and finding balance.
This is a holistic approach to health care that includes the body, mind and spirit through meditation to finding balance in mind, body and spirit. The focus is on daily health needs, MODERATION (we have to long overconsumed) and variety.

nutrition 4. Nurturing. Foods that can supply a sense of caring for the health and quality of life for yourself and others and the associated sense of satisfaction for the caregiver. Marketing a product from this platform would include a focus on growth and development, aging and healing. Nurturing yourself and others and nurturing the environment around you. Environmentally friendly products for the inside and well as the outside. From the things we eat to the things we wear, they all have an impact on the world we live.

nutrition 5. Cosmetics. Cosmetics, how we look and feel about ourselves, benefits women's health and men's health. Looking good and enhancing self-esteem through improved physical condition and personal appearance are corner stones to good health. No matter how well you eat if you have low self esteem, are worried or upset then the body gets out of balance.


Obesity and Diabetes

Obesity and Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes used to be called adult-onset diabetes or noninsulin-dependent diabetes. It is the most common type of diabetes in the U.S. Type 2 diabetes is a disease in which blood sugar levels are above normal. High blood sugar is a major cause of early death, heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, and blindness. As diabetes increases in it's range of severity so do the problems. Loss of limbs, vision, wounds that do not heal and organs that begin to fail should be enough to put fear into most people to do something about their obesity. Obesity and diabetes need not be your future!

How is it linked to overweight?

More than 80 percent of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight and or obese. Obesity and diabetes appear to be closely linked. It is not known exactly why people who are overweight are more likely to suffer from this disease. It may be that being overweight causes cells to change, making them less effective at using sugar from the blood. This then puts stress on the cells that produce insulin (a hormone that carries sugar from the blood to cells) and makes them gradually fail.

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes Information

Diabetes Prevention

Blood Sugar Control

Hopefully you will find some of these articles helpful. Much of this information you have paid for by you tax dollars so take advantage and the advice. Advice, that is one area we seem to fall short in. We do not like to take advice. We have that Elvis Syndrome. "I did it my way". Well it is time for us to wake up and start listening to people smarter than we are and taking their advice. Now, article to get you on the road to a healthier existance. I know many of you are ready to go, but look around, there are those around us that are not ready for us to go.

Diabetic Eats/Normal Eating

Teen Nutrition

Good Nutrition: It's A Way Of Life or Early Death

America's obesity epidemic is definitely forcing the nation's type 2 diabetes epidemic into a rapid growth, says a new study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Obesity is the major factor in the trend toward an increase in diabetes. While other factors play some role in the rapidly increasing number of people with diabetes, Obesity appears to be the major force behind the increase. Diabetes increase has mirrored the increase in obesity. Thus the numbers would suggest obesity and diabetes go hand in hand. This according to a study, published in the May issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

The study, based on concrete numbers drawn from the entire country, backs up what experts have long believed, said Geiss, a statistician with the CDC's Division of Diabetes Translation.

"Most incidence studies [of diabetes] have been done on samples that aren't representative of the United States," she said. "These [new] data are nationally representative. And these data certainly help make the case that obesity is a major factor in the diabetes epidemic.

Geiss and her research team looked at statistics from the National Health Interview Survey, an ongoing nationwide in-person survey of about 40,000 households. They zeroed in on the years 1997 to 2003 to look for trends in the incidence of diagnosed diabetes in adults aged 18 to 79. Each year, about 31,000 adults were asked whether a health professional had told them they had diabetes. Not included was gestational diabetes, a type that occurs during pregnancy.

Participants were asked how old they were when their diabetes was diagnosed. The researchers had access to information about height and weight so they could compute the participants' body mass index (BMI, a ratio of height to weight). A BMI of 25 and above is termed overweight; 30 and higher is considered obese.

Excess weight and inactivity are risk factors for type 2 diabetes, in which the body doesn't properly use the hormone insulin, which is crucial for converting sugars and starches in the blood into fuel for the body.

The incidence of diagnosed diabetes rose 41 percent from 1997 to 2003 among the study participants, Geiss found.

About 20 million Americans have diabetes, although many do not yet know it, according to the American Diabetes Association.

About two-thirds of American adults are now overweight or obese, according to the National Institutes of Health. In 1960, 13 percent of adults were obese, but by 2000, nearly 31 percent were.

Geiss wanted to determine, however, if the rise in diabetes might be due at least partially to better detection methods allowing for earlier diagnosis. "If we were doing a better job, we would be detecting it earlier and when people are healthier."

But from 1997 to 2003, those diagnosed with diabetes were not healthier or younger. Increased detection of diabetes "could be part of the answer," she said, "but not the whole answer. It doesn't seem to be a major factor. Most of the increase in diabetes occurred in those with a BMI of 30 or above. In 2003, 59 percent of the newly diagnosed were at a BMI of 30 or above. Another 30 percent were overweight, with a BMI of 25 to under 30. All together, 89 percent of the [new] cases were either overweight or obese."

The study findings will not surprise experts, said Mary Austin, a diabetes educator and a researcher at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, and part of the ACCORD (Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes) study.

"These findings are very reflective of what we see around the world," Austin said. "The rise in weight and obesity is being seen globally," she said, and with it, more type 2 diabetes is being diagnosed.

Her Advice? Know your risks and do something about them. "If you are not at your ideal body weight and are not active, over time, you have a risk of diabetes," Austin said.

The oft-repeated message holds here, she said. Keep your weight at a healthy level and get regular, moderate exercise.

Geiss added: "Recent studies have shown we can prevent diabetes in those with risk factors, just with moderate lifestyle changes. Those include cutting down on daily calories for weight loss, if necessary, and getting activity into each day."

How Much is Obesity Rising?

Continue reading about Obesity and Diabetes

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